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Planetary Mixer (Inbuilt homogeniser) Mixing technology of planetary mixer.
Planetary Mixer for paints & coatings, cosmetics, chemicals, paper & pulp, oil & grease, solvents, adhesives manufacturers in india

Ankruja products have evolved challenged limits of productivity and dominated processing market in this country. We offer excellent value choice and performance than before. The schematic drawing of planetary Mixer for paints & coatings, cosmetics, chemicals, paper & pulp, oil & grease, solvents, adhesives is shown to the right. It consists of anchor with teflon scraper tips which fully scraps sides and bottom of bowl. The pair of Planetary beaters and located at right angle to anchor. A high speed homogeniser is located in centre of bowl.

High speed homogeniser / Emulsifier:
High Speed Mixer for paints & coatings, cosmetics, chemicals, paper & pulp, oil & grease, solvents, adhesives

This involves high speed mixer and high shear for emulsifying and dispersing, achieved by fixed clearance between stator and turbine rotor. The homogeniser sucks unrefined materials from bottom of bowl and forces it through restricted opening in stator. The material is subjected to intense impact, shear and mechanical and hydraulic forces. These forces cause emulsification of material which exit through stator holes at high velocity, travelling upwards through the mass. The Homogeniser is driven by separate dedicated motor and tip speed of Homogeniser is infinitely variable from 0 - 25 (max) mtr/sec. (5000 ft. per min.) The homogenising / emulification process is normally carried out at Temp. 60 to 90 degrees.

Planetary & Anchor Agitator:
Slow Speed Mixer for paints & coatings, cosmetics, chemicals, paper & pulp, oil & grease, solvents, adhesives Slow Speed Mixer for paints & coatings, cosmetics, chemicals, paper & pulp, oil & grease, solvents, adhesives

Both these agitator play vital mixing role when homogenising / emulsification cycle is over and on cooling cycle which starts creating viscous cream.

Anchor :

The Anchor is provided with PTFE scraper tip and it fully scraps side and bottom of bowl. This brings stagnant material from side of bowl to main stream and scraping actions imparts convectin currents which helps in faster heating or cooling cycles.

Planetary :

These pair of agitator having staggered blades impart motion to material within vicinity of Homogeniser shaft and Anchor blade. These beaters rotate along its own axis and also in a circle at a speed of Anchor. These beaters push material bottom side, and radially.

  • The complete action of Homogeniser, Anchor and planetary beater ensure that no unmixed zone is left in bowl.
  • The machine is capable of achieving and holding vacuum upto 28" of mercury. Due to this volatile materials e.g. perfumes can be sucked inside the mass and can be mixed throughly throughout the mass.
  • Achieves uniform consistency throughout the mass.
  • There are no packing Glands OR Bearings in the product zone and contamination is virtually eliminated, with ANKRUJA PLANETARY MIXER.


In line with engineering excellence Ankruja Engineers have developed Homogeniser. The Homogenizer is normally installed above the tank bottom. The Homogeniser sucks material from bottom of tank through restricted opening in inlet plate through eye of skewed turbine. Material is subjected to intense impact, multiple changes in flow direction plus extermely high mechanical and hydraulic shear forces.

The final Homogenising action is obtained as material passes through restricted radial gap of 0.30 mm. through turbine blades and concave surface of STATOR with multiple holes. Homogenised material travels at a very high velocity upwards through the mass.

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